Early morning in Dobogókő

Category: Hiking, General

Early morning in Dobogókő - Pilis mountains Hungary

Waking up for a sunrise photo trip is always a bit hard, but when you manage to the morning drowsiness, with a little bit of coffee and cold water the excitement begins.

Because of the pandemic restrictions it's harder to plan a trip, but the traffic is almost zero. The roads are slippery, but the first sign of frost on tree level ups the excitement, "it could be the wonder I seek this morning".

Finding a good shooting location in the dark is sometimes hard, but I got lucky, the blue hour is here, and the lights are promising.The wonder is happening so re-compose take a shot, change location 2-3 times. Then the fog rolled in and the view is gone.

The photographer's soul is happy. I took some promising shots - at least that is what I think - so, let's go meet some friends and continue the day with hiking in the nerby Jegenye-völgy.

Finaly, a few shots from the morning:

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